Watro, Argall to Co-Host Scam Seminar in Hazleton on Oct. 27
October 11, 2023
HAZLETON – In their continuing effort to educate residents about financial fraud, Rep. Dane Watro (R-Luzerne) and Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) are co-hosting a scam seminar on Friday, Oct. 27, in Hazleton. The free event will take place at Faith Assembly of God Church, 34 Fox Manor Road, beginning at 10 a.m.
The lawmakers are teaming up with Pennsylvania State Police Troop N-Hazleton to discuss current consumer scams and how to avoid them.
“It seems new schemes to steal our money are popping up all the time, making it difficult to stay ahead of the scammers,” said Watro. “Our experts will be providing valuable information on the latest fraud attempts, including those that target seniors. Anyone who worries about getting ripped off by these unscrupulous actors is encouraged to attend our event.”
“With scammers becoming increasingly brazen and creative, we all need to be aware of how to protect ourselves from falling prey to these criminals,” said Argall.
Reservations are required for the event. To register, please contact Watro’s office in Hazleton at 570-453-1344 or Mahanoy City at 1-833-933-3679.
Representative Dane Watro
116th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWatro.com / Facebook.com/RepWatro
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