About Dane
A lifelong Republican, Dane has an extensive history of serving his community and country.
Dane is currently serving his second term as the state representative for the 116th Legislative District, which includes parts of Luzerne and Schuylkill counties. During the 2025-26 Legislative Session, he has been appointed to the House Education, Insurance, Local Government, Professional Licensure and Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness committees. Dane has also been appointed to serve on the School Safety and Security Committee under the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
After graduating from Hazleton Area High School in 1995, Dane enlisted in the U.S Army. He was stationed at the Korean Demilitarized Zone and later at Ft. Hood, Texas. While on active duty, he studied criminal justice at Central Texas College and worked with at-risk youth at the Correctional Service Corporation.
When Operation Iraqi Freedom began, Dane felt compelled to reenlist. After training at Fort Dix, New Jersey, he deployed to Baghdad, Iraq, where he served until March 2005. During his tour of duty, Dane was selected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation to be a part of the American unit that guarded Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. He received commendations for his part in combating international terrorism.
After being honorably discharged, Dane moved back to Pennsylvania and pursued a career focused on public service. Prior to being elected to the House of Representatives, Dane served as McAdoo mayor for eight years.
Dane served as Kline Township Municipal Authority vice chairman and also served on the McAdoo Uniform Construction Code Appeals Board. Dane is a former board member of United Charities Inc. of Hazleton/United Children’s Home and served as Chairman of the McAdoo Borough Civil Service Commission, which screens applicants and makes recommendations for hiring police officers.
In addition to his public service, Dane was Schuylkill County Concerned Citizens president and a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, AMVETS and the local Lions Club.
Dane lives in Kline Township with his wife, Angela, and is the proud father of two daughters, Anastasia and Genevieve. They are members of All Saints Catholic Church in McAdoo.
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