Watro to Host Senior Expo Sept. 19
August 16, 2024
HAZLETON – In his continuing effort to improve the quality of life for older residents in the Hazleton area, Rep. Dane Watro (R-Luzerne/Schuylkill) will host his annual Senior Citizens Expo on Thursday, Sept. 19.
The free event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. inside Laurel Mall, 106 Laurel Mall Road in Hazle Township.
“There are many worthwhile programs and services available to seniors in our area,” said Watro. “My expo makes it easier and more convenient to learn of this information by bringing everyone together in one place. I encourage seniors and their caregivers to make plans to join us and take advantage of this opportunity.”
The expo will feature exhibitors from nonprofit agencies; local, state and federal governments; and area businesses that will provide information on a wide range of topics, including health care, insurance, nutrition and exercise, fire safety, financial planning, fraud protection, government and personal safety.
Free health screenings will also be offered, courtesy of area health care providers, including glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure. Please note the blood and glucose testing will be performed starting at 9 a.m. Participants are reminded to refrain from eating after midnight.
In addition, participants are invited to bring used eyeglasses for donation and any old or unwanted prescription drugs for safe disposal.
Any seniors who need special accommodations to attend the expo should call Watro’s district office in Hazleton at 570-453-1344 for assistance.
Representative Dane Watro
116th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWatro.com / Facebook.com/RepWatro
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