Watro, Cabell, Argall Announce More than $2.8 Million in State Funding for Improvements in Luzerne County
October 22, 2024
HARRISBURG – State grants totaling more than $2.8 million were awarded today for projects and purchases in Luzerne County, announced Reps. Dane Watro (R-Luzerne/Schuylkill) and Mike Cabell (R-Luzerne), and Sen. Dave Argall (R-29).
The grant awards are as follows:
• Hazleton City – $250,000 for Phase IV of renovations at the Hazleton LaunchBox building at 13 W. Broad St. planned by the Downtown Hazleton Alliance for Progress.
• Hazleton City – $424,000 for the demolition of a blighted commercial property at 625 W. Sixth St.
• Hazleton City – $533,138 for window improvements at the Hazleton One Community Center at 225 E. Fourth St. operated by the Hazleton Integration Project.
• Hazle Township – $34,005 to purchase a new vehicle for the Hazleton Blind Association.
• Luzerne County Redevelopment Authority – $250,000 for construction of a new dining lodge at Camp Kresge in Dennison Township operated by the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA.
• Penn Lake Park Borough – $750,000 for rehabilitation of the Penn Lake Park Dam.
“Some of this state funding is going toward important economic development projects in Hazleton that will keep the city’s positive momentum moving forward,” said Watro. “The second floor of the LaunchBox building will be renovated to provide low-cost space to startup businesses; the demolition work will remove a vacant building to make way for future development; and the HIP Center window upgrade will result in reduced heating/cooling costs and improved security. I was happy to join Sen. Argall in advocating on behalf of these projects.”
“Towns and neighborhoods throughout southern Luzerne County will benefit from this funding,” said Argall.
“I’ve visited Camp Kresge with Sen. Argall, and we both love what the Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA is able to offer to our youth through this pristine venue. The hope is this grant award will help get the camp’s dining hall project to the finish line,” noted Cabell. “Sen. Argall and I are keenly aware of the Penn Lake Park Borough dam issues, and the efforts to address them. The $750,000 we secured means most of the funding needed for the dam’s rehabilitation is now in place.”
The grants were made available through the Local Share Account (LSA) program, which is designed to distribute funds derived from gaming revenue to support community and economic development projects.
In addition, a $600,000 state grant was awarded to the Hazleton Area School District for a new roof and HVAC upgrades at Arthur Street Elementary School. The funding was made available through the Public School Facility Improvement Grant Program.
The grants were approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, which was established as an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.
Representative Dane Watro
116th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWatro.com / Facebook.com/RepWatro
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