Watro Urges Public to Comment on Possible Closures of Penn State Branch Campuses in NEPA

March 10, 2025

HAZLETON – Rep. Dane Watro (R-Luzerne/Schuylkill) is urging residents concerned about Penn State University’s plan to possibly close some of its Commonwealth campuses, including the four in northeast Pennsylvania, to comment on the proposal. 

The committee conducting the review and recommendations regarding the Commonwealth campuses posted an update on the university’s website. The committee said it welcomes public feedback and provided an email address for residents to send comment: cwc2025@psu.edu

The committee also noted that its recommendation “will include a continued Penn State presence in the Northeast and the Pittsburgh regions.”


Representative Dane Watro
116th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepWatro.com / Facebook.com/RepWatro

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